Copy files from one computer to other using ‘scp’ command

1 min readOct 11, 2019
copy files between computers using scp cmd

1. Copy local File to remote computer

scp local-file.txt remote_username@

From the computer which has the source file, go to the command line and, provide the path of the source file followed by scp and then,

username@hostname of the remote computer and then,

the path where you want it to be copied on remote computer.

Another example: Default port number is 22. So we generally use -P in case we have to explicitly specify any port other than 22 like below

scp -P 2000 Downloads/simple2.html pi@raspberrypi.local:~/learning/python/webscraping

Copy local directory to remote computer

scp -r localDirectory user@remotecomp:/path-to-destination

Working example:

scp -r capturing-images pi@raspberrypi.local:/home/pi/Downloads

2. Copy from remote(Pi here) to your local (Mac)

scp user@remote:path-to-file .

Dot at the end means to copy to the current directory of the mac

Working examples: (Run from Mac terminal)

a) Copy img1.jpeg file from remote to current directory of mac

scp pi@raspberrypi.local:~/cam/img1.jpeg .

b) Copy img1.jpeg file from remote to Downloads dir of mac

scp pi@raspberrypi.local:~/cam/img1.jpeg ~/Downloads/

